Bonsai is the Japanese word for the fruit and vegetable trade, although the origins of bonsai can be traced back to China. Bonsai trees and plants are kept in minimum size, cutting and cutting, for aesthetic purposes. The basic idea behind bonsai trees is to maintain a natural look, but never shows that there is human intervention. Despite the fact that bonsai trees grown in containers, pots or window boxes, will grow by no less healthy tree in a natural way. The bonsai is kept small, cut from a combination of pot confinement and crown and root. Taking care of bonsai requires commitment, creativity, love for plants and patience. bonsai trees can live inside a decorative eye-catcher will be grown in a living room or office, or they can be left in the garden to give an exotic appearance. The most popular tree for bonsai is the maple. The maple trees are perfect for beginners in the art of bonsai. But they are still around for most bonsai incredible statements. Caring for a bonsai maple is not that hard, just the right amount of sun and water.
The most important method of limiting the size of a bonsai pruning, careful removal of parts of the tree shape and size is the limit. Pruning is essential for the development of bonsai. It 's the main method, as this allows you to control the growth of the bonsai and shape them into desired shape and appearance. This is the art of bonsai, with the main idea of recreating nature in a miniature form. The frequency of pruning bonsai bonsai depends mainly on the size and age. If large branches should be removed from the bonsai, it is best to remove them at the top of Bonsai growing season, which begins in mid-spring to summer. concave cutters should be used during the removal of those great branches of the bonsai.
The Treatment Phases of the Breeding Ground for the Best Plants
For the Japanese, has links with many of the ideals that their society is based. Zen Buddhism came - pastime, people, nature, and change all the elements in this unique mode of thought and expression are intertwined. For now, our life, try bonsai as a hobby, a better understanding and for being with nature and the manner and to enhance our gardens.
The bonsai with its container and soil, physically independent from the land of his roots as a separate entity, self-contained, but still part of nature. This is what is meant by the term "heaven and earth in one container. Bonsai tree should be located outside the center, is always a container, it is essential not only for the asymmetry in the visual effect, but the symbolic center point where the sky and earth together, and everything should be this place. Another aesthetic principle is the triangular pattern, common to visual harmony and the interpretation of the relationship by the universal principle (life-giving energy or deity), the artist and the same tree. The tradition that three basic virtues to create a bonsai: shin-zen-bi has the position of truth and beauty needs improvement.
Location and overwintering
All bonsai start with a specimen of source material, a plant that the grower wishes to train into bonsai form. Bonsai practice is an unusual form of plant cultivation in that growth from seeds is rarely used to obtain source material. To display the characteristic aged appearance of a bonsai within a reasonable time, the source plant is often partially-grown or mature stock. A specimen may be selected specifically for bonsai aesthetic characteristics it already possesses, such as great natural age for a specimen collected in the wild, or a tapered, scar-free trunk from a nursery specimen. Alternatively, it may be selected for non-aesthetic reasons, such as known hardiness for the grower's local climate or low cost (in the case of collected materials).
Leaf Trimming
We all agree that bonsai is a work of art is very complex. In the make good bonsai, need 2 terms, namely: knowledge of horticulture and natural understanding adequate. Both must be combined with a sense of the creator of art (fine art). Bonsai is an art that never ends, because the object is a living plant that requires good care as a condition to grow and develop throughout his life.
Before we make material into bonsai, we should first design to design. In designing, admittedly not easy, because the design was actually a manifestation of feeling. So be very difficult for us to be able to formulate let alone taught. So how we can start making bonsai? Many experts expressed their opinions on how to make bonsai from the basic stage to the end. Let us not become the standard rules that must be obeyed, but it's better if we can be wise to understand and make it as a rationale and reference only. Learning to make bonsai will be easier if we are to understand the underlying some aspects, namely:
1. Aspect grow and live. Here we must understand how important good care and adequate for our plants that will make bonsai can grow healthily. Without good health we can never do anything. We must understand the overall growth habit; roots, leaves, stems, branches and twigs. Suitable planting media, food (fertilizer) and water is also a mandatory thing we know. Another important thing is to know and understand their natural habitat, it is in connection with the match in which we care for (or low plateau), how much he needs sunlight and wind. Bonsai by type and the same treatments will grow differently according to where he was treated. Weather or natural conditions will also greatly affect its growth.
2. Aspects of natural beauty. Basically make bonsai is to present a beautiful miniature tree in a container or pot with a natural understanding of the basic reference for the beautiful, unique and artistic, phenomenal and others. To understand or create beauty above is not easy, because the necessary observation and deep understanding, not only visually but also taste. For example: If we're looking at a photo of a very beautiful scene in nature, it is pleasing to the eye but of course we also felt something else, let cool, arid, romantic, etc.. The beauty that feels this is due to the creation of a natural composition that causes a natural sense of drama or so affect people's feelings who see. Similarly, when we look at bonsai, other than visual beauty, the soul or aura of these bonsai should also be able to appear or be implied that the feeling of "inner eye" we.
The steps to make bonsaiRequired several stages of the process of making bonsai. Each stage has a different way. It takes a good ability to achieve maximum results. These steps are;
1.Mengadakan materials. Bonsai materials can be obtained in various ways including: grafting, cuttings, planting of seeds or search for materials in nature. It takes special skills to be able to know or predict the material to be used as a beautiful bonsai. Limitations in their ability to predict the material is a fatal thing and will only produce something for nothing or even tend to damage the natural / environmental.
4. Making bonsai. This is the stage where a bonsai material that already has the basic framework, will be used as bonsai in accordance with design plans that have been determined. Process at this stage is the replacement processes of plant containers or pots that match, direction, maturation, and aging pengkerdilan. At this stage also needs to maintain the basic framework in order not to grow grow beyond what was planned. It is no less important is to create and mangarahkan branches, twigs, branches and children according to plan, reduce the leaf, making the texture of stems, branches and twigs that look old, etc..
5. Maintaining a bonsai. At this stage we have already knew the habits of a bonsai in relation to health, what and when fertilizer should be given, maintenance and replacement of the media, pests, how much needed sunlight and wind, etc.. When I received good care of our bonsai, then there is the response of bonsai will be very amazing. His health will be excellent and stable and significant growth. Over time, process of growing and getting old kept walking. We are required to continue to interact with our bonsai are treated. For example, how we can maintain an existing form, or even cut and add something for the purpose of maximizing the beauty. At this stage usually occurs summit where we can enjoy the beauty of a bonsai as a whole, both visually and beauty of the soul or aura that glows.
Once we know the stages of creating bonsai above, then the question arises. For beginners who have decided to love and be berbonsai begin, which steps should be taken or the respective fields first? If I may suggest, start from the stage that is 5 to enjoy and understand the process of bonsai has become. Know in advance how a bonsai can radiate a sense of beauty is very deep and how a bonsai at present to be enjoyed. Bonsai The more we observe and understand, the more references to the understanding that we can then we can understand how and what our goals berbonsai. The short is understanding how we can start something well without us knowing the real purpose?
Oleh : Rudi Julianto & Will Heart