Bonsai is the Japanese word for the fruit and vegetable trade, although the origins of bonsai can be traced back to China. Bonsai trees and plants are kept in minimum size, cutting and cutting, for aesthetic purposes. The basic idea behind bonsai trees is to maintain a natural look, but never shows that there is human intervention. Despite the fact that bonsai trees grown in containers, pots or window boxes, will grow by no less healthy tree in a natural way. The bonsai is kept small, cut from a combination of pot confinement and crown and root. Taking care of bonsai requires commitment, creativity, love for plants and patience. bonsai trees can live inside a decorative eye-catcher will be grown in a living room or office, or they can be left in the garden to give an exotic appearance. The most popular tree for bonsai is the maple. The maple trees are perfect for beginners in the art of bonsai. But they are still around for most bonsai incredible statements. Caring for a bonsai maple is not that hard, just the right amount of sun and water.
The most important method of limiting the size of a bonsai pruning, careful removal of parts of the tree shape and size is the limit. Pruning is essential for the development of bonsai. It 's the main method, as this allows you to control the growth of the bonsai and shape them into desired shape and appearance. This is the art of bonsai, with the main idea of recreating nature in a miniature form. The frequency of pruning bonsai bonsai depends mainly on the size and age. If large branches should be removed from the bonsai, it is best to remove them at the top of Bonsai growing season, which begins in mid-spring to summer. concave cutters should be used during the removal of those great branches of the bonsai.